Executive Committee 2025 - 2026
The NAACP Jacksonville Branch was initially charted in November of 1988, with Rev. Benjamin Craft Jr. serving as the first President. Following a racially charged incident in January 2008, Mr. Ivory Tillman and Mr. Joe (Broadway Joe) Booker were instrumental in re-establishing the Jacksonville branch of the NAACP. The branch was chartered on May 20, 2008.The NAACP Jacksonville Branch is comprised of volunteers as part of a historic legacy. We strive to contribute to the ongoing struggle for justice and equality.
Reginald Ford
Daniel “Rose” Rains-Bryngelson
Assistant Treasurer
Jessica Bailey
First Vice President
Lynntia Delaware
Nicole Ford
Second Vice President
Charlene R. Robinson
Assistant Secretary
Paul Strickland
At Large Members
- Beverly Aron - Marvin Batiste - Theresa Cook - Taylor Ford - Kewana Gibbons - Gwendolyn Harper - Barry Jefferson - Kathy Landers - Jasmine Wakefield - Robin Wakefield
Bonnie Boyd – Health Committee Chair
Kendrick Lusk – Education Committee Chair
Suzette Shambley – Community Coordination Chair